Daily Program Surfilmfestibal: ART

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8 June
Extended Vision: Moving image workshops

Extended Vision: Moving image workshops

Multiple choices
8 June

Extended Vision: Moving image workshops

8 June

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Extended Vision: Moving image workshops

Masterclasses June 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th


17.00/20.00h, wednesday 6th, thursday 7th Sala de Prensa de Kutxabank (Donostia).c/ Garibai 20. 20.004 Donostia.

Friday 8th, 10.00 / 13.00 La Zurriola beachbreak, “El muro” local hangout overlooking the surf, Patagonia Surf shop, shapping bay.

Friday 8th, 16.00 / 20.00 Centa School. Pia, Centro Audiovisual.

Saturday 9th, 21.00, Teatro Principal

Surfing, as a cultural movement  is reaching its maturity and is going in as many different directions as there are ways to enjoy its act.
The surf scene in Donostia – San Sebastián has its own style, and is developping its way of seeing and being perceived. Now it is possible to analyse the relationships created by surfing , the local community and its urban landscape.
This year the festival creates the workshops, invites several international filmmakers of prestige, integrates them in the local context of the La Zurriola beach, and interacts with local up and coming filmmakers.

This exercise, under the leadership of Juan Aizpitarte, presents new ways of creating moving images. Coordinating the different cinematographic styles of the filmmakers, and with the participation of the workshop participànts, we propose the filming of “collaborative” 5 min. short films themed around Donostia and its idiosyncrasies.
To fullfill this objective, we propose 2 clear axes. The first is to film with Iphones, thus claiming how a huge critical mass of users of portable devices can “make moving images”, a symbol of democracy. Also, we can explore the potential of these devices.

The second, is the investigation of narrative resources that can create a bridge between action videos, film script and story telling, the creation of a photographic storyboard and the editing of a film under the video clip genre, discipline.

To promote local production, to show up and coming, amateur film makers, students, how to work with alternative technical and narrative resources.
To give access to new filming tools, and film distribution schemes.
Enrich traditional surf narration with elements from classic cinema.

Jack McCoy. Hawai / Australia
Patrick Trefz. USA
Kepa Acero. Euskadi
Igor Bellido. Euskadi


Technical aspects
Local context information in filming short-films
Technical description of Iphone + editing bay.


A program proposed by Juan Aizpitarte

1- The imagery of surfing + boardsports (Photography, film).
2- Role of the “moving image” in surfing, boardsports..
3- What is the essence of surfing?
4- What makes a good surf film? What´s the aim? (To create a vision, to show surf scenes here and now, to encourage, to showcase particular surf scenes, surf eras…)
5- How do we transmit surfing´s pure essence via films?
6- How does scarcity foster creativity? (Remote filming / Remixing / Studio filming / Water filming).



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Surfilm festibal Donostia Kultura Donostiako Udala Donostia-San Sebastián 2016 Patagonia Kutxa KELER 18 Gaztea EITB XSories Aquarium Surfing Euskadi Gipuzkoa Kirolak Movimiento Sísmico El Diario Vasco Stab Surfer's Path Surf Europe Vice Magazine Staf Magazine BEACHBROTHER Drift Magazine 3sesenta magazine

Surfilmfestibal. Donostia - San Sebastián. Surf, Music, Art and Environment Film Festival.

© Surfilmfestibal 2025
Donostia - San Sebastián

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