Surfilmfestbal has teamed up with Red Bull Media House to bring the best surf films to the big European audience with HEROES BY NATURE

Tomorrow September 5th, the PRINCIPE CINEMA in Donostia-San Sebastian will host the first event of HEROES BY NATURE a monthly cinema showcase of action sports and adventure movies broadcast live simultaneously in 40+ cinemas across Europe.

The presentation gala will take place tomorrow, in Münster, Germany, and we’ll have the opportunity to follow the live broadcast in 15 Spanish cities, starting at 19:30.

Four big events, in different European cities held on the first thursday of each month. Each event will showcase a different sport and a full on program of short and feature films, trailers and clips, presented live, with their main players and filmmakers onstage, with whom we'll have the chance to interact from every movie theatre tagging #askyourheroe. All screenings will be in original version with subtitles.

Program September 5


Surfer and filmmaker Jason Hearn embarks on an epic journey to discover some of the biggest waves in Africa. For three years, Jason travels all along the north coast of África up to Mozambique, with surfers Jordy Smith, Royden Bryson y other riders who alike himself, are searching for perfection in surfing.

STORM SURFERS 3D - Justin Mc Millan & Christopher Nelius-
3D –European premiere at Zinemaldia 2012-. This thrilling film follows two of the greatest big wave riding legends: Ross Clarke-Jones and Tom Carroll, during a winter chasing the most powerfull storms on the Australian coast. They manage to surf in epic conditions waves like Cow Bombey or Shipsterns Bluff in Tasmania, and other big waves never surfed up to then. 

More info on Heroes by Nature

Facebook: www.facebook.com/heroesbynature

Noticia publicada el September 20, 2013


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Surfilmfestibal. Donostia - San Sebastián. Surf, Music, Art and Environment Film Festival.

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Donostia - San Sebastián

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