This is Gabi Perez´s Forecast for next days!

Gabi Perez from Swell-Forecast has wired us the weather forecast for Donostia San Sebastian for next days.

This is the official forecast for Amstel Surfilmfestibal 9.

-Friday 5, morning: cloudy with fog and it is possible a few drops. By noon starts to appear clear. North-northwest winds (4 to 8 knots)

-Friday, 5 evening:  intervals of clouds clearing for the afternoon. Northwest winds (4 to 8 knots)

-Saturday 6 morning: starts with intervals of clouds and sky will be covered more and more as the event goes on. Rain not expected although it is possible some drop. From noon is expected to change progressively  into worse. West-northwest wind 8 to 12 knots.

- Saturday 6 evening: cloudy and cloud evolution with possibility of some scattered rain and  storm. Weak north-northwest winds from 4 to 8 knots.

Thanxx Gabi for your help, we finally decided to arrange the GAZTEKUTXA GAUA at the Fronton of the Antiguo!

Noticia publicada el June 2, 2011

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Surfilm Festibal

Amstel Surfilm Festibal. Donostia - San Sebastián. Surf, Music, Art and Environment Film Festival.

© AMSTEL Surfilm Festibal 2024
Donostia - San Sebastián

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