Jim Denevan was in Mundaka

In the end, Mother Nature was on our side!

Things did not look well at 7am: grey skies and persistent rain. But as Patrick Trefz told us, Jim Denevan has luck on his side usually. At 12.15 it stopped raining. We had to postpone the start of Jim's performance, but conditions were excellent! The clouds were loaded, the light filtered through them and the dampness was perfect for the sand to maintain the contrast of the lines.

After a hesitant start, Jim didn't stop turning around for three and a half hours. The few people walking around the beach watched him stunned, while he created his lines of mind-blowing geometry with a stick and a rake.

In the middle of his performance, a small set of waves peeled off the sand bar, turning on the magic Mundaka wave almost for the first time this season. Jim's performance turned into a mirage, disappearing with the tide, just like those little waves...More to come soon: Patrick Trefz's short-film and all of Roke's photos.



Noticia publicada el September 5, 2011

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Amstel Surfilm Festibal. Donostia - San Sebastián. Surf, Music, Art and Environment Film Festival.

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Donostia - San Sebastián

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