Global Wave Conference

Biarritz, 24th October.Donostia San Sebastián 25th October.

International Symposium on the protection of waves.

How Do You Define The Value of a Wave, and by Extension, of Nature?
What Are the Threats Facing the Waves?
Which Strategies Can Be Put into Place to Protect them?

Surfrider Foundation and NGOs Surfers Against Sewage, Save the Waves Coalition, Salvem O Surf, with scientific sup- port of Dr Tony Butt, will be answering these questions in:

Biarritz, 24th October.
Donostia San Sebastián 25th October.

Noticia publicada el October 17, 2011

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Surfilm Festibal

Amstel Surfilm Festibal. Donostia - San Sebastián. Surf, Music, Art and Environment Film Festival.

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Donostia - San Sebastián

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