Here it is the best short of THE SURF FILM CONTEST 2011!

First of all we´d like to thank your participation!

It´s been kind of a weird vintage. We´ve had less submissions from less countries. But for sure we´ve received very original Works and we´ve discovered unknown talent with surprising Works. From the best short from the jury which goes to Great Britain, and which presents an extreme surf scene, really cold, with good waves, a very particular light, and very passionate good surfers, to a very wise illustration short, coming from Valencia, and winning the best environmental short award, to the abstract and strong visually winner of the Arty / Farty prize, the B Series / terror film short from Spain, the mix of Works show us a vibrant independent surf film makers World in constant evolution, and that let us relieve in a brilliant future of our ever growing film genre.

Congratulations! And get your Works Ready for our 10th anniversary!!!

These are the wining shorts from the jury of The Surf Film Contest online contest.

BEST ARTY / FARTY SHORT FILM: D Day. Dir: Pandora Decoster. Francia. 2011. 2´23´´.

BEST BARREL PRESENTED BY SURFER´S PATH: The "Wayan" Side. Dir: Hugues Oyarzabal. France. 2011. 3´54´´.


BEST LOCAL SHORT FILM: Surfing Dead. Dir: Javier Frutos & Sergio Espino. Spain. 2011. 5´00´´

BEST ENVIRONMENTAL SHORT FILM  "CLEAN WAVES" PRESENTED BY PATAGONIA. Previsión 0. Dir: David Triviño & Pedro Márquez. Spain. 2011. 3´03´´.

BEST SURF SHORT FILM FROM THE JURY PRESENTED BY AMSTEL: Uncommon Ideals. Dir: Chris Mc Clean. UK. 2011. 5`00``

Noticia publicada el December 19, 2011

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Amstel Surfilm festibal Donostia Kultura Donostiako Udala Gipuzkoa Kirolak Movimiento Sísmico Aquarium Gaztea Surfer's Path Patagonia El Diario Vasco Gaztekutxa Stab Staf Magazine 3sesenta magazine Vice Magazine Surf Europe Redux Magazine Drift Magazine Surfing Euskadi San Telmo Museo
Surfilm Festibal

Amstel Surfilm Festibal. Donostia - San Sebastián. Surf, Music, Art and Environment Film Festival.

© AMSTEL Surfilm Festibal 2025
Donostia - San Sebastián

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