Daily Program Surfilmfestibal: FILMS

31 May1 June2 June5 June6 June7 June8 June9 June10 June

8 June

Looking at the past is crucial to understand the present and to predict the future. This film is a fundamental piece to understand what the 70’s were about, the outstanding evolution of surfboards, and the surfing level at the Mecca of surfing, the North Shore, Hawaii.

The name of this session is a nod to the film with the same name, a cult documentary, which represents the hip hop and urban art scene. In a surfing context, in this session we want to confront different surfing styles: longboard, radical shortboard. From Australia, the young filmmaker Riley Blakeway is the perfect representative of a current of surfers with syle, artistic ambitions and radical surfing. Pandora Decoster, a young longboarder from Biarritz that last year won a special mention from the jury with his debut work, L’aperitif, is back for this edition with a risky, esthetic, sexy work, with an unmistakable French scent. Last but not least, FinnSurf, one of the most shocking surfing documentaries of the last years. Great cinematography, funny and original. A story about how some amped Finn surfers see surfing, and how Mexican pro surfer Kalle Carranza owes them a big one!! ¡¡Aki Kaurismäki goes surfing!!

Big because of the size of the films, big because of the reach of both of these works, big because we are stoked to present two outstanding premieres, they are big for us. First, Itxasoa eta lehorra, the short film by Patrick Trefz about Jim Denevan’s land-art work in Mundaka in September 2011. A project designed by Surfilm Festibal, aimed to claim the magic of Urdaibai, searching deeper than just the barrels in Mundaka. A jewel where we claim tradition and modernity, totally stoked and honoured to have such an amazing soundtrack: Mikel Laboa’s song, the shortfilm was named after it (thanks to Marisol / Izaro!). Of course, we have the European premiere of Jack McCoy’s last film, and he’ll be here to present it in front of our audience. Jack is the ultimate surf filmmaker and surf film icon. He has been sailing this sea since the end of the 60’s; at the time he hanged the posters of the films himself. He has filmed with 16 mm, 35 mm cameras; he has lived and told the beginning of many surf culture icons and spots, G-land, Sumba and Occy´s Left; he has portrayed the best surfers in the world of every time, and he is gonna have a blast here at the festival with us! Eskerrik asko Jack!

Itxasoa eta Lehorra

Patrick Trefz. Basque Country/USA. 2011. 8 min


An abstract and poetic work, the process of the creation and the destruction of Jim Denevan’s art work in Mundaka, September 3rd, 2.011. Through a full tide, the artist performs on the Mundaka sand bank, his only tools being a hazelnut tree branch from a farm in Urdaibai, and a rake. He draws a huge artwork, that instantly becomes an environmental manifesto, drawing all the attention towards the fragile ecosystem of the Urdaibai river-mouth. The amazing soundtrack is a song by Mikel Laboa, an iconic Basque singer who recently left us. We have named the film after the song, as it means “low tide” in Basque language. It is a raging celebration of this place, a perfect melt of tradition and modernity, a meeting point between the Basque Country and the World: a perfect piece by renown filmmaker Patrick Trefz.


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Surfilmfestibal. Donostia - San Sebastián. Surf, Music, Art and Environment Film Festival.

© Surfilmfestibal 2025
Donostia - San Sebastián

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