22 June

Independent activism, empowerment, a collaborative economy… these are kinds of terms we will be hearing at Olas Limpias (Clean Waves), the festival’s flagship event, which continues to support ideas and projects that strive to protect our seas.


Presentation of SeaBin project.

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The Seabin concept was invented and developed by two Austra- lians who love the sea, Andrew Turton, a sailor and boat builder, and Pete Ceglinski, a surfer and industrial designer. They have witnes- sed the damage caused by plastic pollution throughout the world, and have chosen to devote their energy to finding effective solutions and to carrying out educational projects to change behaviour.

Surfilm festibal Donostia Kultura Donostiako Udala Donostia-San Sebastián 2016 Basqueland Brewing Project Patagonia Kutxa Fundazioa Gipuzkoa Kirolak Euskadi - Basque Country Donostiako Udala - Ekonomia Bultzatzeko, Merkataritzako, Ostalaritzako, eta Turismoko Zinegotzigoa Donostia Sustapena | Fomento San Sebastián Aquarium Groseko Indarra Albaola | Itsas Kultur Faktoria Amaiketako LATAM Airlines The Inertia El Diario Vasco 3sesenta magazine Mar Gruesa Staf Magazine Surf Europe Gaztea

Surfilmfestibal. Donostia - San Sebastián. Surf, Music, Art and Environment Film Festival.

© Surfilmfestibal 2025
Donostia - San Sebastián

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