Daily Program Surfilm Festibal: FILMS

3 June4 June9 June10 June11 June12 June13 June

3 June
First surf film shot in 3D. Premiere in the peninsula. Principe Cinema

The Ultimate Wave Tahiti

Stephen Low.USA.2010.47min.

The Ultimate Wave Tahiti is a documentary film recorded in 3D featuring nine-time world surfing champion Kelly Slater and local Tahitian friend Raimana Van Bastolaer, seeking and surfing Teahupo’o and Tahiti’s most radical waves.

From the chaos caused by Southern Pacific storms, to the perfection of waves advancing to the perfectly shaped Tahitian reef, 3D technology allows us to admire the ephemeral beauty of waves, as we have never seen it before.

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Surfilm Festibal

Amstel Surfilm Festibal 8. Donostia - San Sebastián. Surf, Music, Art and Environment Film Festival.

© AMSTEL Surfilm Festibal 2024
June 4 - 13, 2010
Donostia - San Sebastián

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